Monday, April 27, 2015

He Walks With You

"God walks with you." Leviticus 26:12

 We have talked about this journey or this road that God has each and every one of you on, and we have talked about some of the things that it may hold for you. But, did you know that you are not on this journey alone? Did you know that God is walking this journey with us, right at our side? So what does this mean?
 Well, first of all, knowing that, on the path of your life, you are going to face obstacles, isn't it great to know that we don't have to worry if we are capable enough, we don't have to worry that we aren't strong enough, because the reality is, we aren't. But, with God walking by our side on this journey, with God there overcoming obstacles with us, and giving us the strength to do so, that is when we are capable enough and that is when we are strong enough.
 Next, I want you to know that these situations and these difficulties that you get stuck in, they may seem impossible to get out of, and maybe you feel like you just keep falling flat on your back because of them, and once again, without God by our side, that is what happens, but the great thing is, is that He is by our side. God is going to pick us up whenever we fall, and He is going to make us stronger than we were before. He is going to take this situation or this problem that you are in and He is going to turn it around into something great! He is not going to let you fail, He is on this journey with you so that, not only will you grow to know Him more, but also so that you can live this amazing life that He has created just for you.
 So today, I just want you to remember four words. I want you to remember the words "God is with me."

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