Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Relax In God's Guidance

 Isn't God's guidance just amazing? I mean, God has already determined out future, He has already written it all out, and whatever His plan, and whatever His perfect will might be, He is going to get us there; whether it is closing doors on certain opportunities or opening doors with others, God is always leading you and guiding you to where He has you to be. He has promised us a hope and a future! (Jeremiah 29:11) He has promised that He will not let us fall! (Psalm 121:3) But the thing is is that we so often get stressed or worried about what our lives and our future may hold. We stress ourselves out trying to figure what will happen, what we are supposed to do, or where we are supposed to go. But my friends, trusting God and His plan for your life is so much easier! Because He has is all figured out! He has you on the right path for your life! And, right here, right now, He has you exactly where He wants you to be! You are living out His plan as we speak, and you don't have to worry about where it will lead or what will happen, because God is walking along with you the entire way and His will is going to be done, no matter what. So let's decide to start relaxing in God's guidance, because He wants us to enjoy the here and now that He has us in, while He takes care of bringing us into our future.

Friday, July 7, 2017

A Life To Get Excited For. Not One To Worry About.

 As humans, worry isn't an uncommon word in our day to day vocabulary; and when we look at our future, we tend to be filled with just that. We worry about where we will end up, we worry about what our future holds, where we are supposed go, and what path we are supposed to take. These are all thoughts that we, or at least some of us, have quite often. These are the thoughts that weigh us down, that stress us out, and that cause us to feel overwhelmed. But, ask yourself this, my friend; why do we worry about the road ahead of us? Don't we know that God has us and our life in the palm of His hand? Don't we know that His will, no matter what it may be, is going to be done in our lives? We tend to claim that we know these things, but we need to start living by them! We need to start believing in them! God has our future already mapped out for us, and He isn't going to leave you to navigate it all by yourself! He is going to show you which step to take every step of the way, and all that we need to do, is listen for His direction and trust Him, letting go of all of the control.
 The life that God has in store for you is one to get excited for, not one to worry about. So let's make the decision today to put our worries aside, stop trying to figure it all out, trust in the One who's got it all under control, and get ready for all of the amazing things that are in store for you.

Monday, June 26, 2017

You Can't Escape God's Presence

God isn't found only in the church. And the stereotyped idea that He is can be found in a lot of the world today. So many people live with the idea that, unless you step into the church building, that you are unable to be in the presence of God. But, if you are living with this mindset today, you need to know that God isn't contained in a building! He is not just between the four walls of a church, but He is everywhere! Step outside and take a silent moment to watch the sun rising. That's God. Listen to the birds chirping. That's God. Watch the waves of the water come crashing onto shore. God. And even in the dark places, at the hospitals or in the jails, God is there! We cannot escape His presence, and the more that we come to realize this, the more joy and peace we are going to have in our lives! And our relationship with Him will only grow stronger and stronger.
So look at all of the beauty that He has made today, and, where ever you are, just know that His presence is with you.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Dive Head First Into The Challenge You're Facing

 Maybe today, you are going through a really difficult situation; maybe this involves something going on at work, financially, or within a relationship. Whatever it is that you might be going through today, I want you to, first of all, know that you are not alone. I can guarantee you that every single person you come in contact with every day has gone or is going through a difficult situation.
 But see, the thing about going through all of the trials and tribulations that life brings along with it is the fact that, whenever we, as humans, go through them, we tend to get a little upset with God. We ask Him why He has caused this to happen and we begin to get angry with Him when it isn't fixed right away. But my friend, God promised us in His word, that "in this world, we will have trouble." (John 16:33) He told us to expect this, but the thing is is that He doesn't cause us to avoid it. He doesn't guide us to walk around it. But, while we are in it, He changes us, He shapes us, and He forms us into the person that He has us to be! He takes our hand and guides us through this difficult situation, and He is going to bring you out of it better than before, and closer to God than you ever were before. So take heart, because God hasn't left you within this difficult time, but He is there, allowing it to mold you into the likeness of Jesus, as we are called to be. And know that God isn't just going to leave you there, but when He sees that you are ready, He is going to lead you out as a new person. So just go head first into whatever you are facing today with willingness, grace, and trust, and just watch, and allow God to transform you.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Get Excited About This Adventure!

 Isn't it amazing what it is that God has in store for us? The miracles, the blessing, the favor, and the opportunity; all of the infinite possibilities in store for us are endless, so why is it that we doubt Him?
 Well, you see, we are only human, and our way of thinking can only take us so far. So when our opportunities and possibilities don't come from within that boundary of our own thinking, that is when we start doubting. We start doubting when we can't and don't know what lies ahead. But my friend, we need to take heart! And we need to start getting excited about all of the amazing things that God has in store for us!
 See, being on this journey with Him is a wonderful and exciting adventure! And do you know why? Because God is not limited by our human thinking! He has plans for your life and your future that will lead you to something that you've never even thought about, something you've never considered! And it is going to be amazing!
 So let's decide to quit doubting and get excited today about the infinite possibilities that God has in store for us! For when He brings them to pass, you are going to be absolutely amazed.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Are We Where We Are Supposed To Be?

 One of the hardest things to do, at least in my opinion, is truly believing that we are where God has us to be. Now, don't get me wrong, I fully and completely trust God and His plan for my life, but if you're anything like me, believing that I am right where I am supposed to be is a hard concept for me to grasp. And it's not because I don't want to. I think that there's a real peace about knowing and accepting that you are exactly where you are supposed to be at the current moment, but it's because I am excited about what He has in store for me, and I am anxious to get there, and in doing so, I find myself believing that I need to do more that I'm not doing. I think that I'm falling behind, discouraged by the lies that I'll never find my God-given purpose; and if you have ever felt the same way, I want to encourage you with something that has encouraged me; and that's not just the idea that God has me exactly where He wants me and has given me everything that I need for all that He has in store for me within the moment, but it's the fact that there are blessings and opportunities in today, in the moment that you and I are in, no matter how mundane it may seem; and if we are so focused on what we aren't doing, on what's way off ahead of us, than we are going to miss out on all that God has for us right here and now!
 See, God wants to take you to higher places using where you are right now as a stepping stone. So start living in the moment and believing that, for right now, you are perfectly placed in your life, and where you are and, through that, God is going to use wherever you are to take you into the future, the destiny, and lead into the God-given purpose that He has in store for you. 

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

When Tragedy Strikes...

 In our world today, it seems as though we are confronted with bad and negative news on a regular basis. And all of that can really knock us down emotionally, causing us to be fearful, sad, and worried; and today, I am not going to tell you that we should just be 100% unshaken when tragedy strikes, but what I want to encourage with today is the fact that our Father will work it all out and make into something good.
 Now I know, this is a hard concept to grasp because, when we hear it, our minds automatically jump to the conclusion that this was all God's doing, and we begin to get angry with Him, asking why He'd do such a thing and why He would cause so much pain to this world, and to His children, that He created. But see, in the verse John 16:33, it says that “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” See here that God tells us that I'm this world, we will have trouble, we will have forces that will come against us that try to deter us from our faith and belief that God is taking care of us, and sometimes it seems like those forces are doing a pretty good job, but God encourages us to take heart! Because He has overcome death itself and He has put that power within each and every one of His children! So no matter what may happen in this world, we can rest in the fact, and in the peace, that God is going to bring us back out of this, and yes, we may be heartbroken and shaken for a bit, but He is going to cause something good to come out of it, I can guarantee you that.
 So just stay in the belief today, no matter what it is that has knocked you down, and know that God's children overcome, and that in the end, even though you may not be able to see it now, He is going to bring all of this together for the good of His children. For you.