Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Harder You Try, The Harder It Gets: Don't Give Up Just Yet

"If for a while the harder you try, the harder it gets, take heart. So it has been with some of the best people that ever lived." Jeffrey R. Holland

 Maybe right now, you are at a point in your life where you are feeling like, the harder you try for something that you know that God has called you to, the harder it gets. Maybe you are doubting whether you are even going to keep trying for whatever it is that God has for you. If this is you today, I pray that you would not lose hope just yet...
 You see, I want you to take that situation you are in, where it seems like the more effort you put in to get you to where you are supposed to be, the more you get pushed back, and know that, whatever it is that God has called you to, whatever it is that you are working towards, it is so great, so amazing, so miraculous, that the enemy is trying to keep you from it. I mean, we were told in the Bible that there will be trouble in this world (John 16:33) but we have to take heart! I mean, look back at all of the people in the Bible, Look back at many of the famous actors and actresses, speakers, writers, musicians, and singers out there. They weren't just handed their destiny, they weren't just handed what God had called them to, but they had to work towards it, just like you are now. They faced trouble back then, but they took heart in the fact that God was on their side and they kept trudging along. Shouldn't we do the same thing? I mean, look how amazing their future was that God had for them! If we give up because it has gotten too difficult, than we missing out on just that.
 So today, keep going along on your journey. Don't let the enemy win, and show Him that, no matter what he does, you are going to get to the future that God has in store for you. You are not going to give up.