Maybe you have made a lot of mistakes, maybe you have been carrying the burdens on your shoulders for some time now, or maybe you feel like you have gotten into a valley so deep that God is never going to be able to reach you. If you feel this way today, or any other way in relation to these, I have three words that I hope will change your life from here on out. Are you ready? Here they are; God loves you.
Now, you have probably heard these words before, and maybe have known this truth for a while now, but when we feel like we are not enough for God, when we feel like we have messed up too much or strayed too far away, these words mean more than you think. You see, God's love is different from any other love there is. His love not only brings us comfort, but His love heals, His love forgives, and His love bends down and lifts us up. You are never going to get too far for God's love to reach you, you are never going to make so many mistakes that God stops loving you, and even if you are carrying burdens today, and have been for a while, God is going to welcome you into His love with open arms, and He is going to rid you of those burdens. His love is everlasting! And what does that mean exactly? It means His love lasts forever, through anything and everything. So today go out and embrace the love that God has waiting for you. Walk into His open arms and watch your life change for the better.