Sunday, September 6, 2015

Look With New Eyes

"Live each day as if your life had just begun." Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

 This morning, this afternoon, whenever you are reading this today, it doesn't matter, but there is something that I want you to do. Something that you can really do at any point in the day. Something that can really, change your life each and every day. So, what is it? What am I wanting you to do? See, I want you, my friend, you start looking at your life and the world around you with new eyes.
 Okay, so I want you to think of a child, seeing the world clearly for the first time. I mean, of course we don't remember when we first saw the world, but imagine how spectacular that must of been. Seeing all of God's beautiful creations, being full of wonder and amazement. Now imagine seeing the world like that today, seeing the world for the first time, with all the miracles and blessings in front of you, seeing all of God's creations with such an awe-struck amazement, and really beginning to realize the faith that He has for us. See, this isn't just something that we can imagine, but this is something that we need to do in our daily lives.
 So wherever you are today, whether it be in faith, age, or your journey with God, I want you to rid yourself of that old vision, that vision that is so old, weary, and used. A vision that has seen it all before. Nothing seems new any more, and replace it with a new vision. A vision like your life has just begun. Go out and look at the world around you, notice all of the many, many things that God has blessed you with in your life, and see all of the wonders of His creations, discover new things, let your faith be renewed! And let me tell you, that when you do this, when you rid yourself of that old, worn vision and clothe yourself in that new, fresh one, you are going to be amazed as to how your life will change.

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