Saturday, November 12, 2016

He Is Still On The Throne

"God is still on the throne. He is bigger than any difficulty. What He promised in your life will come to pass." Unknown

 In our lives, we are bound to face difficulty. We are bound to face darkness, negativity, and chaos. But see, when people go through this, it is so common that they forget that God is on the throne. They look to this negative situation and dwell on that, rather than focusing on God and on the words that He has spoken into our lives. But my friend, if we would only remember that He is on the throne and in control of everything, and if we would only remind ourselves of His promises; that He wants us to thrive, that we are His, that His will is going to be done, and that He is greater than any opposing force in this world, if we would remember these things, not only would we become less burden-ridden and fearful, but we would contribute to making this world a brighter place, breaking the darkness that comes at us.  

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