Louis Tomlinson
In this world, especially in today's society, we spend so much of our time in a state of worry. We occupy our minds with thoughts asking, "What could happen?" "What will this be like?" "What will happen then?" And "How am I going to handle this?" And yes, I am guilty of living in worry myself, but see, I think something that might be able to help us with this, would be to stop living in the future. See, so often, we are worried about something that could happen, we worry about how we are going to be able to handle it, or how it is going to turn out. But my friend, to put it quite bluntly, your worrying is pointless. See, God is already in that place that we are so worried about, and He has promised us that nothing can take us away from His plan and that nothing can harm us. So why are we worrying? We are worrying because it is all unknown to us, so we need to instead, start living in the present moment. There is peace in living in the now. Why? Well because we know what's happening, we know what's going on around us, and we don't have to worry about how it is all going to turn out because we know God is here with us, working it all out for our good. Doesn't that sound better? So today, let's all make a pact with ourselves and with God that we are going to stop worrying about the future, whether it be a year from now, a week from now, or two hours from now, it doesn't matter, just live in the present and enjoy the peace, the life, and the blessings that God has for you right now.
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