"The Lord says, 'I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.'" Psalm 32:8
Asking for guidance can be a tricky topic when it comes to our journey of faith. I mean, yes, we trust God with our lives, giving Him our all and knowing His will is going to be done; but then there are times when we are either stuck in a situation, wondering why it is that God would have us to be here, or just wondering when it is that you are going to see God show up and do something, leading you to where He has you to be and out of where you are. And you see, my friend, I can't give you a definitive answer on what it is that He is doing in your life, nobody can, but I can tell you that God has you in that place that you are in, no matter how uncomfortable, no matter how irritating, and even no matter how painful it may be, God has you there so He can teach you something that He wouldn't have otherwise been able to teach you. He has you there because He knows that you are able to do something there that no one else can, and even though we may not know what that thing is, we just have to trust that God does, and that He is going to lead us in any way in which He has us to go. And as far as showing up goes, you, my friend, must be patient. God isn't a God that goes around granting everything everybody asks him for. No, He loves us too much to do that, but because He loves us so much, that is why He is holding out, that is why He is letting you stay in this place a bit longer, that is why He isn't revealing anything to you quite yet, because He loves you, and He wants to make sure that you are going to live the absolute best life possible; the life that He has planned for you, of which will only be revealed in His perfect timing.
So today, in the meantime of waiting, in the meantime of working through wherever that difficult place is that you are today, just trust that God is still guiding you, He is still working in your life, and right now, as difficult as it may seem, He is just getting you ready for something better that lies ahead. So just keep going knowing your Father God is at your side the entire way, and believe that His plan and purpose for your life is going to, and always will, prevail.
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