Saturday, December 17, 2016

Live In The Moment

Today, I want to encourage you with something that I want you to carry with you throughout your entire day, constantly reminding yourself to do this one thing. And that thing, my friend, is to enjoy life. See, so often we are just so busy with all that we have going on, especially around this time of year, that we forget to stop and actually enjoy the moment that we are in.
 Now I'm not saying you have to go take time off work or squeeze an extra family member's visit into your already busy day, but what I am saying is that you need to start enjoying who and what is around you. Start taking time to just relax with your family when you come home from work, and while you're at work, look around and realize what a blessing it is that you are able to have that job. When you spend time with your family, or are at your job, don't waste your time thinking ahead, for the plans that you have will most likely change anyways, but instead, just rest in and enjoy the moment you are in, for when you do, you are not only going to find a new sense of peace, but you are really going to start realizing how great this life is that God has blessed you with. So go out today, and just live in the moment.