Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Making Your Dream Come True Is Impossible

"My job is to take care of the possible, and to trust God with the impossible." Ruth Graham

 We all have dreams. We all have these things that God has placed upon our hearts that He wants us to go after. Now, I may not know what yours is, but what I do know is that as we chase these dreams that we have been given, we are going to run into difficulty. Now I know this isn't exactly something everyone wants to hear, but there are going to be times in our quest to make this dream come true in which it is going to seem utterly impossible, and let me tell you, that it will be impossible. I know what you are thinking; you thought this was supposed to be an encouraging post, but now I'm telling you that your dreams are impossible? Well let me explain; you see, God has indeed put this dream upon our hearts, and by all means He wants us to chase after it, so He grants us with the responsibility of taking care of the possible aspects of the dream. He let's us do our part in accomplishing this dream by letting us take on the possible responsibilities. But there will be a point in which the steps to accomplishing this dream are going to be far out of your reach, you are not going to be able to take this responsibility on anymore, for it will be impossible. But my friend, that right there is when you need to fully trust God with it. Yes, it is impossible to you, but your God can do the impossible, and you need to trust Him and trust in the fact that He has given you this dream and He is going to make it happen for you.
 So today, do what you can, and trust God with the rest. Let Him do what is impossible so you are able to get to this amazing place of reaching this dream that you never would have reached otherwise.

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