Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Pray Instead Of Worrying

"Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything." Philippians 4:6

 Today, maybe you have a lot going on in your life. Maybe you feel like one wave is crashing on top of you right after the other, seeming to leave you underwater. But let me tell you something, let me tell you that even though it seems like the it's all crashing down on top of you, God is never, ever, going to let you drown.
 You see, instead of stressing out and worrying about the situation that you are in, you have to start praying. Instead of filling your mind with thoughts on how you think this situation will affect you in your life, switch your focus through prayer to start thinking that God is the one control of this situation. Pray to Him that He takes this worry and burden off your shoulders and replaces it with His light and easy yoke. For when you do, you are going to feel a new peace surround you, not because God was waiting for you to ask for it, but because He was waiting for you to be open to accepting it. So today, let God take that all off of your shoulders and overcome this situation with less struggle, not by worrying and stressing out, but by praying and trusting in the one who is in charge of it all, for He will cause you to walk on the waves.

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