Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Dive Head First Into The Challenge You're Facing

 Maybe today, you are going through a really difficult situation; maybe this involves something going on at work, financially, or within a relationship. Whatever it is that you might be going through today, I want you to, first of all, know that you are not alone. I can guarantee you that every single person you come in contact with every day has gone or is going through a difficult situation.
 But see, the thing about going through all of the trials and tribulations that life brings along with it is the fact that, whenever we, as humans, go through them, we tend to get a little upset with God. We ask Him why He has caused this to happen and we begin to get angry with Him when it isn't fixed right away. But my friend, God promised us in His word, that "in this world, we will have trouble." (John 16:33) He told us to expect this, but the thing is is that He doesn't cause us to avoid it. He doesn't guide us to walk around it. But, while we are in it, He changes us, He shapes us, and He forms us into the person that He has us to be! He takes our hand and guides us through this difficult situation, and He is going to bring you out of it better than before, and closer to God than you ever were before. So take heart, because God hasn't left you within this difficult time, but He is there, allowing it to mold you into the likeness of Jesus, as we are called to be. And know that God isn't just going to leave you there, but when He sees that you are ready, He is going to lead you out as a new person. So just go head first into whatever you are facing today with willingness, grace, and trust, and just watch, and allow God to transform you.

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