Tuesday, March 31, 2015

He Has Overcome The World, So We Can Overcome Our Obstacles

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33

 Maybe today, you are going through a troubled time in your life. Everything seems to be flying around you and there is no way to stop it. You feel discouraged, you feel overwhelmed, you feel lost. So what do we do? Well, today I want to focus on this verse, John 16:33. It really gives us the inspiration we need when we take it apart and really think about what it is saying.
 So let's look at the first half, Notice here that it does not say, you might have some trouble here in there in your life, or you could have some trouble, but its debatable. No. This verse here clearly tells us that in our lives, we will have trouble. We will face hard situations and we will have to overcome obstacles. And you have to know that God doesn't put these in your life to mean. No! He is our God and He wants what is best for us! This situation, this trial you are facing, it may seem difficult and trying, but God told us that we will have problems in our lives, but He has a reason for each of them.  Now for the second half of this verse it says, "Take heart! I have overcome the world." Right here God is telling us not to fear. Not to worry about or be distressed over a situation, because He overcame the world. And that power is living in you each and every day. So, with the power of the one who overcame this whole entire world in you, what makes you think that you can't overcome this situation you are in? Know today, that through Him, the one who overcame the world, you can overcome any obstacle that you are facing.

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