Wednesday, April 1, 2015

He Has You In The Palm Of His Hand

"God has you in the palm of His hand." Isaiah 49:16

 Life can be hard. I think that we all can agree to that statement. But these hard situations that we face are really trying times in our faith. I know that during these times, some people tend to ask where God is, and I can't tell you everything, but I can tell you this. God, is in fact, there. He is right next to you. You see, things in this world go wrong. We have troubles and hard times, some seeming worse than others, but, as you will learn, faith is not an easy thing. Faith doesn't just give you a perfect life once you have it. No! Faith is the thing that gives us the strength to get through the hard times. We have our faith and our hope in God so that when these troubles do come our way, when these hard times come up, that we are able to handle them. That we will not be defeated by these hard times, but will will get through them with the help of God.
 Now, I know in the midst of all the chaos, this can be kind of a hard concept to grasp. But, in the midst of all of it, we need to be still. We need to look up to God and say, "God, help me through this. Give me the wisdom that I need to make the right decisions in this situation. Give me the strength to get through it, and give me comfort in knowing that you have me in the palm of your hand." When you pray this prayer, when you send these words up to God, you will begin to see which way you should go, and you will begin to see that He is right there alongside you, walking you through this storm you are in.

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