"Don't strive to become whom others want you to be, but whom God made you to be."
M. Bartolo-Abela
In our world and society today, there is a lot of influence and pressure that we can let ourselves be overcome with. People can be telling us to dress this way and then they'll like us, do this and people will see you as a better person. You want to fit in and you want people to look up to you, but I want to ask you a question. Are you conforming to this world's society rather than embracing the unique individual that God created in you?
Now, we hear so many voices in our lives calling us in all different directions. Some voices are telling us what we need to do to fit in, some are telling us that, to be a good person, we need to do certain things that they are doing, they are all telling you who they want you to be.. So what do we do when we hear them? I have three words for you my friend, drown them out. Don't listen to these voices. These voices are trying to get you to to conform, to be like everybody else, to lose your individuality, and that individuality you have, you do not just have it because everyone else does, but God has granted you with, it is a gift that you have that nobody, and I mean nobody, on this whole entire earth has. It is the person that you have within you that God has created you to be, and if you are conforming to all of the wants of others around you, you will never be able to find that amazing individual within you.
So today, go out and drown out those voices with the only voice that really matters. The voice that gave you the gift of who you are going to become. Go out and be yourself, and embrace it.
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