"God is the perfect poet." Robert Browning
I found this quote today and it really stood out to me. It really spoke to me because I really began thinking about what it had to say. As it says, "God is the perfect poet," and you know what He is writing? Well this "perfect poet," is writing the story of your life.
Think about it this way, God has written every detail, every breath, every blink, every single moment of your life down. He has a purpose all mapped out for you, He has dreams that are going to come true, and He has miracles that you can't even imagine all written out! So, isn't it wonderful to know that this "perfect poet" has written the story of your life? It is not like He is going to mess up a sentence, scratch some words out here and there, or have to go back and use a bit of white-out. No! He writes the most beautiful stories with not a flaw in His writing. It is a perfect story, and the thing that we have to know is that this story is not written by us, it is not what we control, but it is what God's plan is. He has a reason for everything that happens in our lives, and He is always, always in control. So no matter where you are in your life today, just trust in God, and know that this is part of your story, and your story, is written by the "perfect poet."
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