Monday, April 6, 2015

Remain Confident And See His Goodness

"I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord." Psalm 27:13-14

 Things happen in our lives that may knock us down temporarily or discourage us, situations will arise that we are honestly, not big fans of, and I wish I could tell you differently, but bad things do happen in our lives. I have kind of touched on this subject over the past month, but what do we do when we are stuck in one of these places? Stuck in a place of despair, of trouble, of discouragement?
 Well, I want you to take a look at the verse above. It says "I remain confident." It is not saying I will be confident, or I was confident, but it says that "I will remain confident." This meaning that through the difficulties, through the hardships, through all of that trouble you are facing right now, you need to remain confident. Stand your ground and have the confidence it takes to overcome this obstacle. But what is this confidence? What exactly are we confident for?
 Well, if you go on to read the rest of the verse, it says that "I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord." See that? It is saying that despite the obstacle that we are facing, despite the trouble and the hardship, we need to remain confident that we will, indeed see God's goodness come through!
 So today go out, face whatever it is that you are have in your way today, and remain confident. Know that despite the difficulties, God's goodness is going to shine through, I promise you this. I promise you that you will not be stuck in the dark forever, but you have to endure this moment now to be able to see God's light come through.

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