"My life may not be going the way I planned it, but it's going exactly the way God planned, and I'm okay with that." Unknown
Maybe today, the plan that you had for your life is not going the way that you had hoped. Maybe you are feeling discouraged or disappointed about your whole situation. Well let me tell you something. Let me tell you that your plan may not be working our for you and your life may not going liked you had hoped it would, but you know what? God is there with you, and your life is going exactly as He had hoped. His plan for your life is working out, whether you are able to see it or not.
So how are we supposed to move on when we are not even sure what the plan is? Well my friend, the way that we go on with our lives, following the path that God has for us consists of three steps, trusting, listening, and following.
The first step that you need to take today, is that you need to trust that God is leading you to where you are supposed to go. He is taking you down the right path, and by putting your trust in Him, knowing that He is the one who is ultimately in control, you will begin to see the path ahead of you unfold.
Now. we also have to listen. We have to listen to what God is telling us to do, we have to listen so that we actually know where to go. God is not going to throw you in the middle of the path and let you fend for yourself. No! But He is going to be right there, walking you through it, but we have to be able to hear what He is saying to us.
Last but certainly not least, we have to follow. When we take care of those first two steps of finding our path, we will really begin to see the way that He has paved for us. So now, we have to follow Him on this path. We need to follow Him in which direction to go, in what to do, and when we do this, the destination that this path will lead you to is something that only God can create. It is something far more spectacular than you could have ever dreamed about. And we will find it, as long as we trust, listen, and follow God.
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