Sunday, May 17, 2015

86,400 Seconds: Are We Seeing These Gifts?

"God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say 'thank you?'"
William A. Ward

 Our lives get busy. They get stressful and hectic, and in the midst of all of this craziness that we all pretty much face daily, we are bound to forget a few things. Forget where we left our cell phone, forget where we parked, or forget what that one person's name was. But the thing is, in the middle of our busy lives, there is something else that we are forgetting. We are forgetting to say thank you. Now I'm not talking about using your manners for please and thank you's, which you should still do might I add, but I am talking about thanking our heavenly father. The one who has blessed us with these precious moments.
 You see, I want you to think about it this way, God has given us a gift of every single moment we are living, but we are too busy to appreciate them, if we are just constantly passing right through them without even a single thought, well, if that's where you are today, you need to just stop for a moment, just a moment, that's all God wants you to do. He wants you to just be still and marvel in all of the beautiful things that He has created. The trees, the sky, the birds... Everything. God has blessed you with this wonderful gift of today, 86,400 seconds to be exact, and the question I want to ask you today is, what are you doing with those seconds, and are using at least one of them to thank the one that gave them to you? Are you going to look back on this day years from now and be happy with what you chose to do?
 So today, all I want to ask of you is that you take at least one moment to notice all the many blessings around you, take a moment to breath in the air that God has created for you, and always, always, make time to say thank you to Him, the one who created it all.

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