Monday, May 18, 2015

Stop Looking Back

"I am not what happens to me. I am what I choose to become." Carl Jung

 Maybe today you are feeling low about yourself and about your future, You feel like, with the past that you have had, the upbringing, the mistakes, the regret, that has weighed you down, that there is no way now that you can walk into this said "glorious future," that God has for you. You are too broken, too beaten, too scarred to be able to walk into God's goodness. If this is you today, I truly, truly pray that you would read this post, let the Lord speak to you through these words, and know that, no matter what your past might be, God will always have a glorious future out there in front of you.
 You see, the problem that most people have is is that they keep looking back. They look back, filling themselves with regret over what they did or didn't do, they fill themselves with despair and worry about how all of that back there is going to impact their future, but, do you know what is so great about God? One of the amazing things that He does for us, is that He forgives us. He doesn't care what we have done in the past, but rather, God forgives us of all that we did then, He forgets about it, and He keeps looking ahead, and that is what we need to do. If God has forgiven us, if He is still looking at the future ahead of us, then why are we still looking back? Why are dwelling on the stuff that has already happen and that God has forgotten about? Choose to start moving forward with your life, choose to walk in to the amazing future that God has in store for you.

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