Thursday, May 7, 2015

Find Your Way To Worship

"The more you worship, the less you'll worry. You'll feel more patient and less pressured."
Rick Warren

 When most people think of worship, they think of big elaborate celebration, they think of going to church, not something that you could do at home. Well, let me tell you today, that people look at worship like something that you only do in church, they look at it as praising God, like something like a prayer, or a sermon gives you, and while yes, these are all part of it, I want to ask you something. Did you know that worship is also a worry reliever?
 Now, I know what you might be thinking, that you worship in church once a week and you're good. But let me tell you that worship is not something we need to only do once a week, it needs to be a daily part of our lives! And despite what others have thought, you can worship in your own home, and really quite easily too. You see, everyone has their own way of worshiping, whether it be anywhere from spending some time with God and reading your bible or taking some time out of your day to listen to some worship music and raise your hands, any way that you decide to worship will relieve you from worry. You see, when we fill our minds with positive things, things we love, the blessings in our life, and the love that God has for us, it reassures us that, no matter what it is we might be going through, that God's got this. It reminds us that everything is going to be okay and that we have no need to worry. Now, when we do this, that worship and that joy will begin to take over your mind, and worry will be kicked out! Not to mention that once you find your way to worship and do it, you will find yourself feeling so much different, more patient with God's timing, less pressured by the world around you, and just overall changed for the better.
 So go out today, and find your way to worship.

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