Sunday, May 3, 2015

Go To The Rock

"When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I." Psalm 61:2

 I love how, in this verse, they refer to God as a rock, and not only that, but a rock that is higher than you, a rock that is higher than me, a rock than is higher than anyone or anything of this world. Now, maybe you are feeling unsteady today, maybe you are feeling overwhelmed and confused. You do not know where to go or what to do.. Well let me tell you today that you need to go to the rock.
 Now, when we talk about God as a rock, we are not talking about a small little pebble, we are not talking about a stone in your backyard, we are not even talking about a boulder! You see, a pebble gets blown around by the wind, a stone in your backyard gets picked up and moved around or washed away by the water, and even a boulder will roll away, but God, our God is a huge rock. A rock that is so big, that there is no way that it could possibly go anywhere. So even if we aren't exactly steady right now, even if we are confused or overwhelmed, when we go to that rock, when we go to God, the one who is un-moving and unchanging, we will find those answers that we are looking for. We will find that guidance that we, ourselves, could have never found wandering around, but the God that is sturdy and strong in that one place, that is where we find our guidance, That is where we find the answer to our confusion and the relief to our overwhelmed hearts.
 So today, the only thing that I ask of you, is that you go to the rock.

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