Saturday, June 20, 2015

Are You Living?

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist." Oscar Wilde

 Today in your life, I want to ask you a question. Are you living your life? Now before you start saying, "well of course I'm living! What else would I do?" Listen here, there is a difference between living your life and just existing through it.
 So what are you doing with the life that God has given you today? Are you just getting by and surviving or are you living it, and what's the difference? Well, see, just surviving through life, which is sadly what most people in our society are doing today, is when you are going to your job in the morning, or waking up and just doing what you are "supposed" to do, than going back to sleep. You are stuck in the humdrum of this cycle that is so easy to get sucked into. But, to avoid that cycle, to avoid that force trying to pull you in, I want you to remember that God created this life just for you. He didn't create it so you could just hop from one place to another, just doing what you think you're supposed to, but He wants you to go out there and live. He wants you to live this life that He has created! He wants you to enjoy every miracle, sniff the flowers that He made, look at the sky that He painted, and take hold of all the wonderful opportunities that God has been so great to bless you with! That right there my friend, is living. And that is what God wants you to do! He didn't create this entire journey for you so that you could just survive through it, but He created it so that you could live it to it's full potential.
 So today, I want you to go out and to more than just exist. You need to go out in the world, and you need to live.

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