Sunday, June 21, 2015

You Can And You Will

"I can and I will." Unknown

 So many times in our life we are told by others that we can't, that what we want to happen isn't going to, or that it's really just not possible. But more than that, we tell these things to ourselves! We practically end up convincing ourselves that we can't do something before we even try it, so why do we do this? And what can we do to change it?
 Listen, we can't change what others around us say, no matter how hard we try, but we can change how we react to it. What I mean by this, is that we have to take those negative comments that are telling us that we can't and that it's not going to happen, and we need to block them out. Now, I'm not saying completely ignore the person saying them all together, but let those thoughts go in one ear and out the other without even leaving a trace of negativity. When you do this, you will no longer hear the negative comments from those around you, but rather, you will really start to hear the only voice that does matter, God's.
 Now, when it comes to telling ourselves that we are not enough and that we can't, we are simply doing this because, whether we realize it or not, we are afraid of what the future holds and we really don't want to face it. But you know what? Just because we don't know what the future holds for us doesn't mean that we should try to avoid it. But instead, we need to trust God, the God that is holding our future in His hands. So, once you conquer that fear, you need to get over the obstacle of telling yourself these negative words. You need to know that you have God by your side, and He is not going anywhere, and with Him, you can do anything.
 So instead of telling yourself today that you can't and that you won't, tell yourself that, with God, you can, and you will.

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