Tuesday, June 2, 2015

This Storms Is Causing You To Take Deeper Roots

"Storms make trees take deeper roots." Dolly Parton

 Maybe today, you are finding yourself in the midst of a storm, and maybe you are asking the question that is so common in so many of the situations that we face, "why." Maybe you are wondering why God has put this in your path, why God has caused you to go through this. Well, my friend, one of the reasons could be that He is trying to get you to take deeper roots.
 So what exactly do I mean by "deeper roots?" Well, I want to use an illustration for you on this.. Okay, so think of a very large tree, a thick trunk, long branches, and beautiful leaves all over it. That is the part that we see. But you see, the part that we don't see, is the roots. The roots that dig deep underground to keep the tree standing and keep it from falling over. So how does this apply to us? Well, think about it this way, when it rains, or storms for that matter, the water causes the tree to grow and the roots to dig deeper. It causes the tree to become more secure and stronger. 
 So isn't that how the storms in our life could be affecting us? Maybe we are that tree, and with every storm that comes across, it causes us to dig deeper. Dig into our faith and dig into our relationship with God as this storm causes our faith to grow stronger. So, even though we might not be able to see  the reason, just like we can not see the roots of the tree, we have to trust that this storm that we are going through is growing our relationship with God, it is growing our trust and hope in Him, it is, in fact, growing our faith to become stronger and better than ever before. Because these roots, like the tree's, are the things that keep us standing and from falling over.

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