Thursday, June 4, 2015

You Don't See Now, But Someday You Will: A Post Based Off Of John 13:7

"Jesus replied, 'you don't understand now what I am doing, but someday you will.'" John 13:7

 Maybe today, you are really just trying your best in life, you are trudging along, but the question that you keep asking yourself is, "why has God given this to me?" Maybe you are looking at the situation that you are in, thinking that it is impossible to turn this around into something good. If that is you today my friend, well, you are mistaken.
 You see, when it comes to these kinds of situations, we are told that everything happens for a reason, we are told that God is going to take this situation and turn it into something amazing. But maybe your situation just seems so tough right now, it just seems so bad that you don't know how He could ever turn this around for the good. Well, let me tell you this, that despite what all of the voices are saying around you, despite all the advice, there is one greater form of advice that we know that we can count on, and that advice is from Jesus. You see, when we get advice from all of the people around us, sometimes we just hear so much of it that we start to not believe what they are saying. We feel like nothing good is ever going to come out of this situation, and advice from the world around you is not going to change that. But, you need to listen to the advice from the one who knows what is going to happen, the one who is holding your future, the one that has you in the palm of His hand. And He is promising you, not even telling but promising, that even though you may not being able to see how the situation is going to turn out or what God is doing, someday, you are going to see, and you will be thankful that you went through whatever it is you are going through right now, because eventually, it is going to help lead you to the divine future that God has for you.

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