Friday, July 24, 2015

Improve The World Right Now

"How wonderful is it that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."
 Anne Frank

 Did you know right now, right this very minute, you could improve the world?
 "Well how are we supposed to that?" I can imagine that this is what you are wondering right about now. Maybe you are thinking that you don't have the power, or that you aren't equipped enough. But let me tell you this, that to improve the world, you don't have to do anything big. You don't have to do something so grand that it is going to be a news story the next day, because you see, as nice as those things are, that is not what the world needs right now. Right now, the world need your small and simple acts of kindness, friendliness, and God's love.
 So where do we start? Well, as Anne Frank put it, there is no need to wait a single moment! Go now and tell your spouse a compliment, post something positive on your social media account, sent a nice note to a friend, there are so many things that you could do to help improve the world! Isn't that great? To know that we, right now, and in every single moment of our daily lives, can improve the world? Just by doing these random acts of kindness, just by taking that one extra step for somebody else, just by getting out of yourself and pouring yourself into the world around you.
 You are going to be so amazed to see what a difference your post, your compliment, your note, your joy, or your act of kindness is going to make, and not only are you going to impact the world with positivity, but you are going to impact the world with God's love as well. So go out today, actually, go start right now, and do something that is going to improve the world.

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