"The reasons birds can fly and we can't, is simply because they have perfect faith."
Finding Neverland On Broadway
I recently discovered this quote and I have been really thinking about the meaning behind it ever since. Think about it with me; Now, have you ever seen a bird? Well of course you have. But have you ever wondered why they can fly? No, I'm not talking scientifically, I'm talking faithfully.
So now why would a bird's faith impact their flying in any way? Well think about it like this, if a bird is standing safely on a strong branch, he knows that he is secure there and that the branch in not going to go anywhere, but this bird wants to go somewhere else, so he spreads his wings and he jumps off of that safe and sturdy branch, and he flies. Did you see where the faith came in there? The bird just had this perfect faith that, when he jumped off of that branch, that he was going to fly. He didn't worry like, "what if I fall?" "What if my wings decide not to work?" "This branch is a lot safer, maybe I'll just stay here." The bird didn't think any of those thoughts, but he had such a perfect faith that he just jumped off, knowing and being 100% sure that he was going to fly.
What if we were like that with God in our lives? What if we just trusted that, no matter what we are facing, that we can leave the place we are in now, even though it may be safe and sturdy, and trust that God is going to help us "fly?" So whatever your definition of "fly" may be today, may it be getting a job, buying a house, taking up an opportunity, we have to know and be 100% sure that, like that bird, we are not going to fall, and that you are able to do whatever it is that lies ahead of you, but you first have to have that perfect type of faith, the type of faith that birds have, and once you do, then spread your wings and fly.
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