Sunday, July 26, 2015

Remember Where You Came From

"You, dear children, are from God." 1 John 4:4

 Yes, I know that there is more to the verse above, but I feel like so many people only focus on the last words of it. And yes, they are truly inspiring, I personally use them in my daily life, but what about the first words here? We know what it is saying, but today I really want to dig a little deeper into the underlying meaning of them.
 You see, I think that we are so often think and worry about where we are going, where our future is going to lead us, and what our path holds, that we forget to remind ourselves where we came from. And yes, I have said before to move on from the past, but those are the negative occurrences and the hurts and pains that we have to move on from, whereas remembering where you came from shapes who you are.
 You see, when I say, "where you came from," I am not talking about the country or the state that you were born in, but I am talking about God, because you, my friend, came from Him. Not only that, but you were created by Him! Far before you were even born. And maybe you are worried about what your future holds today. You have no idea where your path is leading, and you are really quite frightened. Well, one thing that you have to remember, even write it down if you have to, is that you came from God. So what does this mean? Well see, now God is never going to let one of His creations go to waste. He is never going to let one of His creation accomplish any less than He intended it to. Because He created it. So what do you have to worry about? Go out in the world today knowing that you have nothing to fear, all because you came from God.

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