Monday, July 27, 2015

Pray Bigger Than You Are Right Now

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." Michelangelo

 What are you asking God for today? What are some of the things you are praying that He would bless you with? Do you have your answer? Now, let me ask you another question; What is the biggest prayer that you could ever think of? Something that you want so badly but have never actually gotten? Do you have something in mind? Then why aren't you asking God for that? Why are you spending your time saying those small, practical prayers, when instead, you should be praying bold, supernatural prayers?
 You see, I can almost guarantee it that many of us right now are afraid to pray these extravagant prayers. But why is that? Well, it is because we want our prayers answered, and if we send these up to God, we think that they are just so big that He won't be able to answer them. We believe that these prayers are too big for God. How is it though, that our prayers are too big for God and creating the world wasn't? You see, nothing, and I mean nothing, is impossible for God! And we have to come to terms with that statement! He wants us to pray these huge prayers, in fact, He is offended when we don't. Why? Because wants us to believe that, in our lives, He can do the impossible. He wants us to see the miracles that He can actually perform, but we are saying that we don't believe that He can do so. So we need to show God that we do believe. We do believe that He can do big things in our lives. We do believe that He can answer impossible prayers. But the thing is, before God can ever grant it, you have to take a step in your faith and be willing to pray big.

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