"You will face many defeats in your life, but never let yourself be defeated." Maya Angelou
Did you know that there is a difference between facing a defeat and actually being defeated? Well, let me tell you that there is, and it is really quite a big one too. You see, like I've said before, God never said that we wouldn't face any problems in this life. He actually said that we would! But it is our choice whether the situation, the obstacle, or whatever it is that is in front of us is going to defeat us or not.
So how do we not get defeated by a situation? Once we are facing a defeat, obstacle, or whatever, isn't it all over? No! It is not all over because you, my friend, have the choice. You can say, "oh, this obstacle is so big, there is no way I'll ever be able to overcome it." Right there, you're defeated. You let it happen. You faced the situation and you told yourself that you couldn't do it. See, even though we may face many defeats in life, we never even have to be defeated! How? Well first of all, instead of speaking those negative words, fill your soul with positive ones. Say to yourself, "I can get over this! I know I can. I am an overcomer and this defeat is nothing compared to the power and strength that my God gives me. I am going to defeat it and not let it defeat me." See, even if you don't see a way around it, you need to know that there is one, and since God is always at your side, you are always going to have one.
But what I really want you to know is this; You don't know how you are going to get over this defeat that you are facing. You don't see a way around it, but know that, with God, there is always a way. Don't let yourself be defeated, but instead, stand up and speak the positive words that will help you defeat that obstacle instead of the obstacle defeating you.
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