"He will come to us like rain." Hosea 6:3
Maybe today, you are in a position where you are feeling impatient, you are feeling forgotten by God, and even somewhat upset with Him because the prayers that you have been praying for a while now are still not answered, and it doesn't even seem like one is on the horizon. But let me tell you this; That doubt creeping in, that impatience, and that disappointment, that is the enemy trying to get you to quit praying. He is trying to place the words in your heart that say, "this is never going to happen," "you've waited long enough as it is," and "why don't you just give up?" But we can't let these words and these thoughts that the enemy is causing affect us. Why? Well, because if you keep going, if you keep praying, and you keep believing, you are going to see the rain come down.
Now, what exactly do I mean by rain? Well listen here, if we ignore what the enemy is saying, if we ignore all of those thoughts and feelings that He tries to put within us and if we continue to pray, keep asking God for whatever it is that you want, or even need, and believe that God will give it to you, we are not only going to see a little bit of His blessing, but we are going to see it rain down onto us. Think about it this way, during a rain storm, does it only rain one single drop at a time? No, but instead, all of the rain comes down at once. Our God is a God of overabundance, and He is going to make sure that, as long as you keep praying, keep asking, and keep believing, that you are going to get even more than you prayed for.
But, there is one thing that you have to do. You have to trust in His timing. You have to know that, even though we've been praying for a while now, God has a reason for making us wait. We just weren't supposed to have it at this time, and we have to keep praying and believing until the time comes!
So today, go out, ignore the enemy's voice and his words, and continue to pray, continue to ask, and continue to believe, because whenever God's time is, He is going to cause it to rain down blessings upon you.