"Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express, no to impress." Unknown
Today, maybe you are discouraged, upset, and disappointed. You feel like the people around you aren't proud of what you've accomplished. You feel like you have tried so hard and done so much, but no one noticed. Or maybe you're feeling like they've shot your dreams down and you are wondering why they just can't be excited with you. You are seeking their approval, but they are just not giving it to you. Well you see, here's the thing that I want to share with you today; You don't need any of that.
Now you see, in life, just like in what the quote says above, we can't live for the applause. We can't do good things so people will tell us how good we did and how amazing we are, see, that plan isn't going to work out too well for you. Why? Because you are not always going to get that applause. People aren't going to give you the reaction that you want, and if that's the only thing that you are depending on, than you are going to be living a life full of disappointment. But you see, there is an alternative. Instead of working and doing things for the applause, do it for a cause. Any cause, it doesn't necessarily mean a charity, but your dreams, your goals in life, the path that God has you on, these are all causes that you can work for instead of the applause. And when you do, you are going to find that your life will be filled with so much more joy, so much more happiness, and so much more fulfillment than ever before.
Now, when it comes to impressing people, listen. Your dreams don't have to impress others. The calling that God has placed inside of you does not have to cause others to cheer for you, but instead, you are the only one that needs to be excited about it. Don't try to impress all of the other people around you with what God has called you, and you alone, to do. Keep getting excited over it, even if people are to knock you down, because God put that fire within you for a reason, and you don't need to impress others to keep it going, you just need to express yourself through it.
So today, know that you don't need the applause and you don't need to impress people, but you just need to take what God has given you and live for a cause to express yourself through it.
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