Tuesday, September 1, 2015

You Are Right Where You Are Supposed To Be

"You are where God wants you to be a this very moment. Every experience is part of His plan." Unknown

 Maybe today, you are wondering and worrying over where you are supposed to be in your life. Maybe you feel like you should be in a better place than you are in right now, or maybe you are wondering if this is truly where God has you to be, and wonder where else He would have you to go. But hold on just a second. Stop and take a breath.  Look around you, and know that this place, wherever it is that you are, this is where God has you to be.
 You see, wherever it is that you are in your life, whether you feel like you need to be in a better place than you are in or don't even know where you are supposed to be, God has you right where you are, doing what you are doing in that spot for a reason, See, God is never going to cause us to do something pointless, something that isn't going to benefit us or others in any way. He just doesn't work that way. But in that spot that you are in right now, wherever it is that you are, God has you there because He knows so much more than you know. He knows how this situation is going to help you grow, He knows that this situation in going to make your life better, that you are going to help someone else, or that you are going to come across an opportunity that you otherwise never would of come across. So what I want you to know today is this; No matter what is going on in your life, no matter where you may end up, it is all part of God's plan. He has a book of your entire life, and this is just another chapter. He planned this all out and wrote it up way before you were even born! And today, you are exactly where He wants you to be. So instead of being worried and concerned about where you are, rejoice in the fact that God is guiding you to wherever it is that He has you to be.

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