Saturday, August 22, 2015

Your Biggest Dreams Can, And Will, Come True!

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney

 So, when it comes to dreaming, many of us today have one inside of our hearts. We have a wish that we want to make, a dream that we want to go after, but all of that is in our heads, because in reality, we are too afraid. We are doubtful. Doubtful that a dream this big could ever be fulfilled. Our minds are clouded with the words, "this could never happen." and, "there is no possible way." If this is you today, I not only want to encourage you to dig deep within to find the courage to ask God for your dream to come true, but to also find the courage to go out and chase them.
 "But I know that my dream is just too big. I know that it's not even possible." Is that what you are saying to yourself? Well you know what? Your biggest dream doesn't have to be possible. It doesn't have to make sense! At least, to you it doesn't. Because to God, nothing, let me repeat that word, nothing, is too big for Him, and everything is possible for Him! But you have to be willing to dig deep inside, pull that dream out, and ask. Now, I just want to add that, when praying, so many people feel like they only have to pray for others. They feel like it would be selfish to pray for themselves or for something that they don't necessarily need, but want. But let me tell you that, even though you definitely should pray for others, God created you as well, and He put all of those dreams in your for a reason; Because He wants you to ask Him for them to come true and pursue them! So don't think you are being selfish, because God wants your dreams to come true even more than you do.
 Now, as far as pursuing a dream goes, that really all depends on where God decides you to go after you've been praying. Now, I'm not saying you are going to see automatic direction tomorrow. It's going to take a while, but if you truly want it, you need to keep asking, keep pursuing, and when God does start showing you where you need to go to achieve it and you really start following your dream, you will know that all of this was absolutely worth it.

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