Friday, September 4, 2015

Do What You Can.

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

 I think that, so many times, when we have a dream, a hope, a wish, or a want, we immediately take it and look into the future of it, and when we see that, we start to get discouraged, we start to get worried. We tell ourselves that there is no possible way that it could end up working out. We start to think of everything that we are going to need to accomplish it, we think about all the steps we need to take, and then there are all the aspects that we have no idea, whatsoever as to how they are going to work out. But hold on for one minute.. Just take a second and breath, and know that you don't have to worry about any of that.
  You see, as Theodore Roosevelt talked about in the quote above; We can only do what we can. So many people stress out because they know that they can't accomplish what lies ahead of them, but what you have to know is, if you can't handle it, God is going to. He put this dream, this inspiration, or this calling in front of, and He is not just going to drop you off to let you fend for yourself, but He is going to be there, helping you through it.
 Now, another point that he makes is that we can only do what we can with what we have. You can't look into the future and think, "Well, how am I ever going to accomplish that if I don't have this or that?" But listen, stay in the present. Where you are right now, do what you can to get closer to your dream with what you have, and when you actually make it to that point in the future, God is going to make sure that you have what you need then.
 Now lastly, he states that we need to do what we can where we are, and I feel like this is one of the most important points. See, we can't be looking into the future and worrying about what lies ahead, but we have to pay attention to where we are now, we have to be excited! Not worried. And we have to do whatever it is that we can right now, right where we are to get closer to our dream, inspiration, or calling. And when the future does come, God will make sure that you have whatever it is that you need then.

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