"So are you going to sit around and wait or are you going to do something about it?" Minnecity
Going with the theme that I've been on over the last few days or so, I found this quote and it just really spoke to me. I mean, think about it; God places things on our hearts. Inspirations, dreams, whatever they may be, and we know they're there, we hear them, and we get excited about them. But, the question that I want to ask you this morning is this; Are you actually doing something about that dream, inspiration, or calling? Or are you just waiting around?
See, when we get that inspiration or that motivation that God has called us to do something, it is so easy to take it and get excited about it, but it is a whole different story when it comes to actually going out and taking up that inspiration and excitement and doing something about it.
See, we can't just wait around for God to complete the dream for us. He gave us this inspiration, He put it within our hearts, now He is asking us to go out and do something about it. He is wanting us to take that inspiration He has placed within us, go into our lives, and do what He is calling us to do.
Now, I have no idea what the calling God has placed in your heart today may be, but I probably know that it isn't going to be reached by tomorrow, but I do know for sure that there is something, even something small that seems insignificant to you, that can be done to get you closer to your dream today. See, no matter how small it may seem, it is still a step that you are taking towards your dream, and God sees that. God sees that and He puts the next step that you need to take in front of you.
So go out today, take up that inspiration that God has put within you, and find the courage to actually do something about it.
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