The lives that so many of us live today can be defined by the word busy. Whether it's busy with a job, with school, with kids, or with any other responsibilities, during these busy lives that we lead there are often moments when we are frustrated because we aren't hearing answers from God. We have asked and asked, and are continuing to do so, but aren't seeming to get any reply. But let me tell you, my friend, that the only reason you aren't hearing from God is because you are not listening. Now, I don't mean that every time we listen for him we will get a direct answer to our question, but what I am saying is that we will get an answer, maybe it will be an answer to our question, maybe it will be a not right now, or maybe it'll be something along the lines of be patient. But let me tell you, that to hear any of these answers, we must first be willing to listen.
Now I'm not going to tell you that you need to listen any certain way, because I believe that, as long as you are taking the time to be still and silent, as long as you are taking some time to turn the noise of the world down for a few minutes, that is showing God that you are open to hear His voice. That is showing Him that you are ready, not to present any requests or to ask Him for anything, but to just listen to whatever it is that He wants to put upon your heart. These few minutes that you take can be anywhere; your car on the way to work, getting ready in the morning, going to bed at night, even eating your lunch; as long as you are taking the time to listen to God, no matter where or when that is, He is going to speak to you, my friend.