"Today* is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one." Brad Paisley
Today is the start of a brand new year, the beginning of a fresh start, and a blank page. But see, there is so much pressure around making New Year's resolutions and actually keeping them, that the first day of the year can seem somewhat dreadful for some people. But listen, let me tell you that you don't need a list of resolutions, for those aren't the key to making this a great year, but rather, asking God what He would like you to work on and ask Him what it is that He has you to work towards, and then working on the things that you truly enjoy that you actually want to do; something you know you will feel passionate doing, that is how we need to start off this new year! I mean, doesn't that sound better? Going into this new chapter, happy, excited about whatever it is that God has in store for us and where He has us to take us? Well it is exciting, so let's realize that today and carry that joy that it brings with it throughout this year.
I just know that 2017 is going to be an amazing, miracle-filled year for each and every of you. So just remember today, to start this new chapter off well.
Thank you...Happy New Year:):):)