Wednesday, January 25, 2017

We Can Overcome

 Maybe you feel discouraged today, you feel let down, upset, or even scared. Maybe you don't know what's next for you, or maybe you are facing a challenge or difficulty of which you are questioning why it is that God would have allowed it to happen in the first place. But listen, my friend, if you are feeling anywhere similar to any of these, I just want to encourage you with the fact that God is still on the throne and that He is the who wants to see you live a fantastic life.
 Now you see, I do believe that God will give us a certain difficulty in order for us to better ourselves through it, but I also believe that not every difficult or bad situation is from Him. Some of them are the enemy testing us, trying to get us to get mad at or even steer away from God by making it look like He isn't even there helping us in this situation. But let me reassure you of something; God told us this would happen in John 16:33. He says that "in this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
 See, God told us that we would have difficulties, but He also says in the same breath that He is the one who overcame the most difficult obstacle ever imaginable; death itself. And by saying this, He is just showing us that this power that He used for this incredible feat is in you, and that you can overcome whatever may come your way, you can succeed, and you can know that it is all going to turn out for your good because of Him.
 So no matter what you may be facing today, just remember that you have the power of defeating the grave within you, amd that you will overcome this, and surprise the enemy by coming out of it better than you were before.

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