Monday, January 30, 2017

God Is Enduring Your Difficulty With You

 Today in your life, maybe you are facing some difficulty or some form of opposition. Now, I may not know exactly what that is for you, but I do know how hard it can be to face something like that. See, so often when these things happen, we lose sight of God. We find it hard to believe that He would ever allow anything like this to happen to us, His children. Didn't He say that He wanted the best for us? But you see, my friend, we may lose sight of God, but He is never, ever, going to lose sight of you, no matter what you do. And even though you are going through this difficult time, it doesn't mean that He isn't there, but it also doesn't mean that He caused this upsetting event to take place, but one thing that God will do is make sure that He is with you through every step of the way through it. He is going to give you the strength and power you need to fight the battles that He will fight with you, He will give you the peace that He has for you amidst the chaos, He will lead you and guide you with His wisdom, and He will get you through this, and He will cause you to come out on the other side better than you were before. So today, let's just decide to keep our eyes on God during whatever difficult time you may be having, and trust in the fact that is there going through this with you.

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