Today, I want to offer you the simple reminder that we so often forget. I want to remind you of a promise that we have been given that we occasionally disregard when things get difficult. I want to remind you of the fact that God is leading and guiding you in every way that you go. Right in this moment, He is guiding you to do what you're doing, to be where you are, and to have what you have. But see, we so often forget and get frustrated with the fact that we don't know where to go and that we aren't receiving any guidance. But my friend, if we are constantly searching for it ourselves, we are only going to remain confused, as we have the chaos and the confusion in our own lives fogging up our minds. We have so much noise that we are being constantly bombarded with, that we fail to hear what God is trying to tell us. See, if we would remain in the peace and trust in His promise, if we would just be still and listen, that is when we will recieve the guidance that we have been searching so hard for. That is when we will know what the next step is.
My friend, God is never going to fail you on fulfilling any of His promises, but we need to do our part and get out of the choas of our own minds and start listening for the voice of reason, the voice of peace, and the voice of truth. For when we do, we will be able to take the next step into our unimaginabley great future, steady in the guidance of God.