Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Love Others As Jesus Did

 Today I just want to remind you to love others. Now, I know this may sound self-explanitory, but love is exactly what our world right now needs. We need to stop judging others and start loving them, just like Jesus did. I mean, think of all the people that He loved; the woman at the well, tax collectors, who were, for lack of a better word, the bottom of the barrel at that time, He loved a poor fisherman, He loved the sinners, and He loved people who didn't love Him back. He didn't stop to think twice about whether or not they were doing everything right, He didn't even rebuke them when they didn't obey the law, but instead, He loved them, and did so unconditionally. And I think that so often we take up this title of high standing in which we deem ourselves worthy enough to determine who is deserving of love and who isn't. We determine who is doing everything that they are supposed to, but my friend, that is only what we think is right, not God. We can not even begin to fathom what God thinks, but one thing that we can rest assured in is the fact that He loves everyone. He loves you, me, everybody. So if we would step down from that position that we have placed ourselves in and start loving others unconditionally, no matter what they look like, what they believe, or who they are, just as Jesus did, we can truly begin to heal this broken world.

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