Saturday, April 18, 2015

Don't Just See Yourself

"Let the weak say, 'I am strong.'" Joel 3:10

 Maybe today, you are feeling weak, feeling small, or feeling unimportant. If this is how you are feeling, if that is how you are seeing yourself today, I need you to know something, something that I know, something that God knows, but it is something that you need to know and that you need to hear. Through God you are strong, through God you can stand and face your enemies, through God, you have an importance that says that He created you to do amazing and wonderful things! But the thing is, is that we have to realize that it is through Him, that all of this happens.
 Now, if you are looking in the mirror, you might see yourself as small and weak, but if you are seeing yourself alone, if you are seeing just you in that mirror, that is how it is going to be. But the thing is, is that you can't just see yourself in that mirror. You need to stand up straight, look in that mirror with confidence, and see not only yourself, but God, and when you see that you have God there with you, and no, you probably won't actually be able to see Him standing there in the mirror, but when you see that you are filled with His spirit, when you see the light of God shining through you, you will begin to see a whole different person. A person who "can do all things through Him who gives you strength." You will see a person who can conquer any enemy or obstacle they come to with the strength of the Lord. You will see a person of importance, with a purpose, with a life that was created to do amazing and wonderful things in the world.
 So go out today, and see yourself not alone, but with God at your side, with His spirit filling you, and that Godly light shining out.



  2. You are so very welcome Diane! God bless you!!
