Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Everything Happens For A Reason...

"God has a reason for allowing things to happen. We may never understand His wisdom, but we simply have to trust His will." Psalm 37:5

 In our lives, not everything is going to go as we plan it to. In fact, hardly any of our plans ever do! But when this happens, that is when the struggle really begins.. We start wondering why God would have or wouldn't have put this in our lives, we wonder if all of what we did was actually worth it, we wonder if we did all off it for nothing. Well, let me tell you something today, let me tell you that as it says in Psalm 37:5 as well, God is in control, and whatever it is that you are going through today, I want you to know that it is all part of the plan. It is all part of the story that God has written for you, but, the thing is and the thing that we get frustrated with is that we cannot see how the story is going to end, we cannot see what is going to happen next, we can't even control when the next page is going to turn. But take heart in knowing that God is the one that is writing the story. He has written it word for word, the beginning to the end, so you have to know that, even though we do not see how this situation we are in is going to make any real difference and we don't see why God had it happen, He already has it written out, He knows, and one day, you will too! You may be frustrated because you just can't see how it will, but one day, it may be a week from now, it may be ten years from now, it may even be when you are up in Heaven and looking back on the life that you lived, but I guarantee you that you will see, you will see the change that you made, the hope that you gave, and so much more. 
 So today, just know that God is really the only one that is in control of your life, and He has written of wonderful story. All He wants you to do, is trust Him, and know that everything you do is happening for a reason.

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