Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Take The First Step

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Confucius

 Maybe today you have a long, long road ahead of you today. A journey with and end that seems so far away that you are doubting if you are able to accomplish it. That whole journey that is sitting in front of you can be pretty overwhelming, can't it? It can seem impossible that you are supposed to walk along that long, long path. But you know what? You can do it. I promise you that. The thing is, is that you just have to start.
  Now. what exactly does start mean? Well, based on the quote above, starting basically just means taking the first step of your journey, and yes, there may be a journey ahead of you today of a thousand miles, maybe less, or maybe even more, but all that you have to do on that journey right now is take the first step. Get your feet on the path, and when you do, you will guided by and filled with strength from God. He will begin to guide your every single step of the way after you make that first step yourself.
 So, what I want you to do today is go out and take that very first step. Don't pay attention to what is ahead on the road you are stepping onto, just focus on taking that first step into your journey, for when you do, you will see God work His ways, show you the way to go, and lead you, eventually, to the end of your path, which He has prepared for you with such marvelous and miraculous planning. It all starts though, with that first step.

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