Thursday, April 9, 2015

You Are One Of His Strongest Soldiers

"Keep striving, for God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers." Habeeb Akande

Maybe today, you are going through a really hard difficulty in your life. You feel as though this obstacle that you are facing is completely impossible to conquer and you don't have any idea as to how you can get over it. Why would this even happen? Why would this be placed in my path? Well, as the quote above says, "God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers."
 I really want you to think about that for a minute. God, the creator of the heavens and the earth, the creator of you, sees you as one of His strongest soldiers. He placed this obstacle in front of you because He knows and He is sure that you are going to get past this, and when you do, you will look back and see that there is reason for this difficulty. You may not see it now, and you may not see it for a while, but eventually, you will look back and see what God was doing. You will see that He had everything under control and that that difficulty you faced, was in fact, for a reason.
 I also want you to know this today. Standing in front of your obstacle, it seeming so big and you so small, instead of shrinking back and thinking to yourself that there is no possible way that you could overcome this, you have to know that if God brought you to this, He is definitely going to bring you through it. You see, He is not going to put that difficulty in your path for no reason and just leave you there, stuck behind it. No! He knows that you can overcome it. He is the one who has given you the strength to do so! So today, go out and overcome that obstacle, knowing that you have the strength of God within you.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for reminding me that I am empowered with His strength!
