Friday, April 10, 2015

The Joy That Is Coming...

"The pain that you've been feeling, can't compare to the joy that's coming." Roman 8:18

 Are you going through some hard times in your life today? Going through the pain and the hurt of it all and just trying to get through it? If so, I have a question that I want to ask you today, what are doing inside of that pain and that hurt? Are you only looking at the problem or the situation that you are stuck in? Or are you looking beyond that, to the greatness that God has for you?
 Listen, if you are in a situation that is causing you hurt and pain, I talked yesterday about why this situation would come across your path, but what we do in it can really determine what path we take. Think about it this way, if  you are stuck in the middle of your issue, yes, there may be hurt and pain involved with it, but if that is all you are going to see, if you are just going to keep telling yourself that you will never get out of this, that this situation is hopeless, or that it's just impossible, than your actions will follow. With that attitude you will be stuck in that problem, or at least until you can see the joy and the wonderful, miraculous blessings that God has for you on the other side. Begin thinking to yourself and proclaiming that you will get out of this, that you are strong and courageous, that through Him, all things are possible, and you know what? Even though you may be feeling pain right now in the midst of your difficulty, that can't even begin to compare to the joy that God has for you after you get out of this. So begin focusing on the positive, and when you do, your life will begin to follow your thoughts in that direction.

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