Thursday, April 30, 2015

There Will Be Things That You Can't Handle

"God doesn't give us what we can handle, He helps us handle what we have been given." Anonymous

 I think that one of the most common challenges we face in our walk of faith is coming to situations that we can't handle. We look up to God and ask Him, "God. Why did you give this to me? I cannot handle this, so what am I supposed to do?" Do you find yourself in this positions today? Have you been asking God this question? If you do and if you have, then I pray that you would read and find some inspiration in this post today.
 Before you are able to understand how you are supposed to handle this situation, there is something that you need to know and come to terms with. You need to know that there are things that are going to come your way that you won't be able to handle. I can guarantee you this. There are going to be situations that are pretty much insurmountable for you. But, what I am saying is that it is impossible for YOU, YOU can't get through it yourself, and YOU can't handle it, but, I had someone tell be once that, alone, we cannot handle these things, but with God, that is when we are able to overcome. That is when we are able to get through the situation.
 Now, God is not just going to give you things in your life that you can handle, but He is going to give what you can't handle as well. But, listen here, when He does give us something that we can't handle ourselves, He helps us. He comes to our side, shows us that He is there, and helps us through this obstacle. He helps us handle the situation we are in, and once you are out of it, you will begin to see the goodness of God in an entirely new way. Your relationship with Him will be so much closer, and your life will be better than you could have ever imagined.

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