"You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make."
Jane Goodall
I want to start off this post today with a question for you. I want to ask you, what difference are you going to make in your life today? Now, when people think of "making a difference" they usually think that they either have to go big or go home. They have to do something to change the world, to save a life, but when they find that some of these things are too difficult for them, they give up. Well, let me tell you something today. Let me tell you that, to make a difference, you don't have to change the world, you don't have to save a life, and as a matter of fact, you don't have to do anything big at all! Some of the smallest things in life can make the biggest difference, but the thing is, you can't make a difference unless you try to do so.
Now I know what you are probably thinking, "well what kind of difference can I make?" The answer is really quite simple too. You, my friend, decide the difference that you are going to make. You decide what attitude that you are going to have going out in the world today. You decide how you are going to effect the people around you, and the thing is, as I had said before, it doesn't have to be a big thing. Focus today on deciding to let the light of God shine through you to let others see. Smile at a complete stranger, help someone open a door, wish them a great day, or tell them "God bless you." These simple things that you can do in your every day life, can really make one of the biggest differences.
So ask yourself this question as you go out in the world, "What difference can I make today?"
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